Jordan's Story

Jordan's Story


When did you first get involved with CCFI?

I first got involved in CCFI and Boys & Girls Club of Norman my freshman year of college. My President Leadership Class Sponsor saw the service opportunity come across her desk and thought it would suit me perfectly! I have been here ever since. 


Why were you moved to join CCFI as a volunteer?

I was moved to start serving here because of my love of working with children. I had no idea, until being here for a few months, how big of an impact I could have in so many kids’ lives by just spending time with them. Truthfully, they serve me and fill me up just as much as I serve them!


What do you enjoy most about volunteering?

My favorite part about serving at Boys & Girls Club is that you never know what kind of life struggles the kids will bring in each day. But the greatest part about my day is that I get to be there for them when they bring those struggles in through the door. 


What do you feel is the biggest impact CCFI has made on the community?

I feel that the impact of our organization in our community is so great. We get to pour into these kids’ lives everyday, and one day, they’ll grow up and have kids of their own. 

What would you like to say to encourage others to volunteer at CCFI?

Do it! Come serve. By far, serving at Boys & Girls Club of Norman every day for the past three years has been the single-most exciting adventure of my life. I come in every day knowing I am going to make an impact in these kids’ lives and I leave every day knowing that they have made the same impact in my life!